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the disposition produced by the condition brought about by the god of love, due to the naughtiness of the god of love "My friend, I saw in the Park Kridasundara Prince Simha, the son of the king; who was like the flower-weaponed god without Rati; like a moon without Rohini; like the guard of the god of love without wine; like Indra without S'aci; whose colour resembled the burnished gold; the portion of whose toes appeared like the cluster of buds due to the rays of the nails; who had the shanks beautiful as peacocks; who was with distinctive calfs; whose ties of veins were well hidden; who had beautiful and well-proportioned pair of hips; whose front parts of knees were shaped like the mouth of a crocodile; whose joints of the knees were internally hidden; the expanse of whose waist was big; the middle part of whose body was beautiful; whose chest was thick and broad; whose pair of hands was round like a tall peak; whose elbows were not jutting out; whose wrists were big; whose palms were adorned with auspicious lines and extended upto the knees; whose nails were fine and reddish; whose pair of lips evenly rounded; whose white appearance was quite becoming; [64] whose eyes were big with one third part of them a little reddish; whose jutting nose resembled a lute; whose forehead was big; the sides of whose ears. were well-rounded; whose tresses were black and frgarantly oiled; who had applied the paint of sandal on his body; who put on clean silken garment; whose neck was adorned with big pearl-necklaces; whose head was adorned with pure crest-jewels; what to describe more? -the beauty of the beauty itself; the handsomeness of the handsomeness itself; the good-lookingness of the