[ 63. 9. your retinue ? Why didn't you show love to your female friends ? What desired thing is not produced ?-May my lady order, if it is not a thing unworthy to be said." Then Kusumavali collected her tresses with her own hand with confusion and said “Then, hear. By the exhaustion due to the collection of flowers, slight fever has come upon me; and the fire of heat produced from it troubles me; and the uneasiness due to it increases in the limbs. I do not see any other reason for dejection." Madanalekhā said “If that be so, take camphor-betels; I shall fan your body, heavy with the exhaustion of sports.” Kusumivali said “Of what help are the camphormixed betals to me who have come to this condition ? Enough also of fanning, come, let us go to a plantainbower. There prepare for me a bed so that this fire of fever may vanish while I am there.” Then Madanalekhã said "As my lady orders.” They went to the small plantain-bower which was the secret place in the garden of her mansion. A beautiful bed was prepared by this Madanalekha. Kusumavali sat there. The camphormixed betels were given to her. [63] Madanalekhi began to fan with the palm-fan her who was satisfied with confidential talks. Again Kusum:ivati who gave out hollow sounds all of a sudden, stood hankering again and again after him who was the shaft in her heart, with sighs secretly released. Then Madanalekha thought "What is the reason of this adverse passion of her ?” She asked “My lady, when this spring-time, the ocean with rising waves of the amorous gestures of youthful people has set in, what wonder to-day have you seen having gone there or while going to Kridisundra ?" Then Kusumavali spoke the desired, due to