62. 7. ]
75. She did not play on the terrace of the mansion; nor did she take ablutions in the house-well; nor did. she play on a lute; nor did she apply paint. ( 123 )
She did not play with the ball; nor did she think much of her ornaments; she was like a doe fallen out of the herd; and she simply followed him (i. e. theprince with mind). ( 124 )
The movements of her eyes were for a momentchecked; she was without steadiness; she checked her long sighs for a moment; the movements of her body were for a moment checked; her lotus-like face wasfor a moment garrulous with speech. ( 125 )
In the meantime, her nursing-maid ordered her daughter named Madanalekhă who was her second heart:- “Kusymávali is heavily tired of the sports and has gone to garden Kridásundara and soon by her to-day her female friends are bidden good-bye. So take a fan. sprinkled with sparse water; prepare some betels with camphor and go to her”. After the order, Madanalekha fulfilled her mother's word and went with joy with her jewelled anklets jingling, in the vicinity of Kusumavali... [92] And she found Kusumãvali carrying the body difi--- cult to be borne, due to the heavy burden of anxiety and lying in the midst of a fine bed. Then Madanlekha, who thought her in swoon as she did not speak, requested, “My lady, why do you appear as it were to be. dejected ? Why haven't you finished the worship of gods. and elders ? Why havn't you welcomed your lady-frie-. nds? Why didn't you give reception to the needy ? Why didn't you take lessons in the cluster of arts? Why are the elders unsatisfied ? Why didn't you instruct