[ 59.9.
the cuckoos made jargon as if it were the sounds of victory for him (i. e. the god of love); the clusters of bees in the mango-trees expanded like the cloud of smoke of the crowds of travellers burning with the fire of separation; the circle of directions with the flowers of Kims'uka trees, as it were, began to burn with the funeral fires of those women whose husbands had gone away. Then in such spring-time, that Prince Simha, surrounded by various youngsters went with great pomp, for sport, to the garden named Krid sundara, the bed-chamber as it were of the splendour of spring; whose fresh beauty was sung by the clusters of bees, humming and joyful with pride; which was full of trees, the branches of which were broken by the burden of flowers made to dance by the fragrant breeze of the Malaya mountain; which was tremulous with the mental confusion caused to young women by the notes of delighted cuckoos. [59] He began to play with varied sports. He saw there in that garden, standing not very far, a girl named Kusumavali, enjoying spring-sport in company with her friends; she was the daughter of his maternal uncle named Laxmi-Kinta who was a great tributary king; she had a braid of hair fragrant with the smell of flowers, resembling the row of bees; she had hands reddish as a coral-plant like creepers; she had round, tender and slender arms like branches; the pair of whose thighs was beautiful like the trunk of a plantain-tree; the pair of whose tender feet was reddish like a land-lily;-she was like the garden-goddess, surrounded by the beauties of the season. Then, as she saw him, he looked at her, with tenderness on account of the fault of attachment, brought close by