60. 11. ] endless births. Kusumívali, who was getting away swiftly due to the confusion (caused by) his (presence) from that part, saw him. She thought, “ How is it that on account of the beauty of the park Kridásundara, even god of love enjoys here the delights of sports ? " In the meantime, the maid by the name of Priyankarī said “My lady, enough of going away; he is indeed the son of King Purusadatta, born of the womb of your father's sister, the prince by the name of Simha; hence he will not think it an act of incivility, seeing thus my lady,-who has taken possession of him on the first arrival,-turning away. Hence, my lady you stand here; and may you do the high-souled one the ceremony of reception, becoming to a princess.” Then she whose limbs had their hair-ends bristled under the sway of joy, looked at him with amorous desires and with amorous turns of body and said, “O Priyankarā, you are clever in this matter; hence tell me what I should do for him." [60] She said “My lady, we have come first; then let him adorn this place by the acceptance o? a seat; let the reception, which is the seed of the tree of relation of good men, be done to him; let a betel-leaf accompanied with the timely decoration of spring-flowers be given to him with your own hand.” Kusumãvali said “Oh, I am not able to do this for him so hastily; hence do yourself in this matter what is fit for the occasion.” In the meantime the prince arrived at that place. Then Priyankarā prepared the seat and said “ Welcome to the flower-arrowed god, without Rati ! May the high-souled one sit here." Then he, with satisfaction smiled a little, and said "I was for this much