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hell-world Pankaprabhū with the age of nine sigaropamas. Then I, living out the full life, fell and was born as a son of householder Harinandi in the womb of his wife Laxmimati in the city of Hastinapura in the country of Airävata in the continent of Jambudvipa. [98] The other also, returning from that hell became a serpent and engaged in killing various lives, died, with his body burnt with the forest-fire; then becoming a helldweller in that very hell-world Pankaprabhi with the age of little less than ten sāgaropamas, returned therefrom, wandered in many low lives, and was born as a son of an old merchant of the name of Indra in the womb of his wife Nandimati in the same city of Hastinăpura. We were born at the proper time. Our names were settled, mine Viradeva and his Dronaka. We attained boyhood and were entrusted to a tutor. The affection, as described before, grew up between us. Then I, who learnt the cluster of arts, adopted the religion as preached by Jinas in the presence of teacher Mānabhanga; and also by Dronaka, who was clever in cheating me, formally.-Then, from that time, my love became more stable towards him out of love for religion. I gave to him ample property. I said to him “Make business by uncensurable way." Then he began business and earned a lot of wealth. In the meantime by the taint of the impression of the acts in previous births, his result of perfidy acted more on me; he thought,"A lot of property is earned and Viradeva is its partner; he therefore should be cheated in some way. Nobody knows the business as it stands between us. What should I then resort to ? Or if he is in my way, my