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to home-land. In the meantime, out of the blot of the actions done in the previous births, Dhanadeva thought "How should this Anangadeva be deceived?" He thought out many false alternatives and arrived at last at the decision, "As he will be impossible to be deceived without killing, I shall kill him." He thought out a way, "I shall administer him poison. [97] Some other time, Dhanadeva went to the way of the market for food when they arrived at a place called Svastimati. He got the food prepared and in one sweetcake, the poison was thrown. He thought, "I shall give it to him." The change of sweets took place, while he was coming with mind taken up with many doubts. He took the poisoned cake at the time of meals and gave me the other. Within a short time after we ate them, Dhanadeva became stiff. Then I becoming perturbed as to what it was, stood for a short time without knowing what should be done; in the meantime, on account of the great strength of poison and by the strangeness of the consequence of actions Dhanadeva died. An anxiety came over me as to who did this. Then, not knowing the account, I came to my own town, with mind overpowered by heavy grief. I reported the account to his people; and gave them the gems more than due. Having used the remaining gems fittingly, on beneficient side, I, out of dejection for him, took to friarhood in the presence of teacher Devasena, not knowing even the contact of the objects of senses from that time. Remaining a friar for the full life and leaving up the body with proper rite, I was born in the Kalpa-heaven Pranata as a god with the age of nineteen sagaropamas; the other, also, after the death due to poison, was born a hell-dweller in the