[ १३५ ]
27. 1. 2. St. 61 explains the 'why' of the movements of characters and their births and rebirths that characterise all the Jain legends. This stanza is again found at the end of the second Bhava. 123. 15-16.
31. 9. तक्कम्मवावडत्तणेण J. reads तकम्मवावडत्तणेण which is obviously wrong. J.. does not notice it in the corrigenda.
31. 14. ऊसियविचित्तकेउनिवहं = उच्छ्रितविचित्रकेतुनिवहं । With the host of variegated banner's raised.
32. 1. संपुण्णदुवालसंगी i. e. one who has completed the study of 12 canonical works. See about द्वादशांगthe discussion in the Intro. of my Ed. of अंत & अणु.
32. 2. ओहिमणनाणाइसयजुत्तो अवधिमनोज्ञानातिशययुक्तः । तत्त्वार्थ. 1. 9. The knowlege are of 5 kinds मतिश्रुतावधिमनःपर्यायकेवलानि ज्ञानम् । अवधिज्ञान=3rd kind of knowledgeit is the direct, limited knowledge of the matter without the help of the senses, merely by the light of the soul. मनःपर्यायज्ञान-mental knowledge, direct knowledge of another's thoughts about the
matter. This knowledge is higher. than अवधिज्ञान and is dogmatically different तत्वार्थ. 1. 26. विशुद्धक्षेत्रस्वामिविषयेभ्योऽवधिमनःपर्याययोः ॥ २६ ॥
32.12. अडालविडालाओ See. Comm.=अडाडविड्डालाओबलात्कृतव्रीडायुक्ताः , this is what I can guess. The proper