geret (gaar] 113. 13.
quickly. gart [arc]80. 13. a door, an opening. a [fa] 11. 23. two. GET [af] 116. 19. a kind of grass. TEEU []47. 21. cl.
imbing. Taas (faqatda] 66. 21. a kind of metre. ArCA (173] 43. 6. twelve. GEHAT (COOH) 118. 9.an iron-age; technically the 2nd Ara (a part of the cycle of time ) of the decreasing and the fifth of the increasing aeon. TEER [D] 71. 13. a kind of ornament for neck. ger [fear] 45. 12. twofold. gfag [a] 9. 16. troubled.
A SECCO [298] 55. 12. a seat for a god. Qafata (datfarfa] 78. 16.
a partial non-attachment. aqur [astia] 83. 3. a little less. 715 [alizza] 52. 20. a bad condition. suitge [ploitue] 19. 13.
ETUT 50.13.occurs often in Sutras, to mean'a city which has traderoutes of both land and sea; with faqa,
a well-protected business-town'. ale [ac] 117. 19. treachery, perfidy. laro [ztafra]9. 16. ill-. luck.
[FIET] 57. 9. the. desire of a pregnant woman. sforzt [D] 8. 6. much.