7. 4. ]
Here, in the country of Aparavideha, on the continent of Jambudvipa, there was a city named Ksitipratistha. It was beautified by high white ramparts. It had a ditch covered over with hosts of lotuses. It had finely laid-out meeting-places of three roads and squares.. It surpassed with its palaces, the beauty of the mansions. of the lord of gods.
There women throw into the background by faces, speech, eyes and gait, the lotuses, the cuckoo, the lilies. and the swans. (31)
There men have the addiction to lores, the greed of unblemished fame, the fear always in sins and the ambition to be rich for religion. (32)
[7] There was the king by the name of Pürnaca-- ndra, with the circle of his near and distant neighbours consisting of 12 princes in control, devoid of the ble-. mish of pride and pleasing to the eyes and the mind. of the people [ like the full moon, with perfect disco with mark of the deer gone and pleasing to the eyes and the mind of the people. ) (33)
His principal queen of the harem was by name Kumudini. who was an ideal wife, who increased the: bliss of senses and who was beloved as Rati to the: God of Love. (34)