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"The duties of a S'ravaka." "How are they?" "They are said as right belief etc." He also knew them formally.
Then thinking himself satisfied, he waited upon Dharmaghosa for some time; and bowing to him with reverence, he entered the city. Then the prince said this to Kusumivali. He also with great difficulty attained the duties of a S'rivaka on account of the partial suppre ssion and annihilation of action. Of them waiting upon preceptor Dharmaghosa every day, a month passed away. Both of them felt love towards the religion, as preached by Jinas.
Once king Purusadatta, having heard the doctrine from preceptor Anitateja, annointed Prince Sinha on the throne and feeling disgust for worldly life, adopted the path of emancipation with principal queen S'ri-kantă. Prince Simha also became a royal sage; he was engaged in observing the arrangement of what is a religious duty and what is not; [109] he brought joy to the minds of all people; his tributary princes were attached to him; he had the liking to secure the proper treatment of the poor, orphans, and the helpless, and he had good qualities befitting himself. Some time most passed away of him enjoying the earth like the devoted loving wife.
In the meantime, that god (of the soul of) hermit Agnis'arman, falling from the incarnation of Vidyutkumara god wandered in the worldly existence; and king the observance of some petty penance in the intervening birth, he, after leaving the body, was born, by the taint of the result of the impressions of previous actions, in the womb of Kusumivali. She saw a dream: namely, "The serpent has entered my stomach and as it came, the king, stung by it, fell." Having