( 108. 13.
means the non-rise of deceit; or the destruction of the same when it has arisen. So also, renunciation means the non-rise of greed or the destruction of the same when it has arisen. So also penance is twofold external and internal. The external i. e. non-eating etc. It is said,
Non-eating, eating less than one's fill, shortening of alms, giving up of the modifications of liquids like milk etc; austerity of the body; the control of the body-these form the external penance. (201)
The internal penance is atonement etc. viz. (108]
Expiation, reverence, service and also the study of canonical texts; meditation; contemplation upon the soul giving up all thoughts about the body;-they form the internal penance. (202)
The restraint is of seventeen kinds. It is said,
The abstention from the fivefold sinful activities; the control of five senses; the conquest of tainted feelings; the stopping of threefold infliction-the restraint is thus seventeenfold. (203)
Truth means speaking an unsullied thing; purity means the want of being tainted in the matter of restraint; non-possession means not possessing by way of an execss the things to follow religious duties; constraint means the giving up of eighteen-fold loose ways of conduct. These are thus the duties of an ascetic.
Having heard this, Prince Simha, to whom was revealed the result of the right belief and who had in mind attained the duties of a S'ravaka said, “Revered sir, the duties of an ascetic are good. What should I, who am not equal to them, then do ?” Dharmaghosa said