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And there, the charming nymphs, delighted, praise him with sweet words of the praises of victory. (100)
Even gods, highly exulted, with the lustre of their ear-rings falling on their cheeks and with the decorations of the flowers of celestial trees, bow to him with the sounds of victory. (101)
Now seeing this celestial retinue with his eyes, he was confused “What have I given or offered that it bears this celestial fruit ?" (102)
With pure Avadhi Knowledge, he brought (to himself) consciousness of celestial wonders and now thinking of right conduct he does celestial acts. (103)
He, worthy of worship, does in great state the worship of the images of eternal Jinas; and for one Muhûrta, he reads also the best book. (104)
Now there are celestial damsels; who have conquered the discs of moon with their moon-like faces; whose bodies are beautiful in having beautiful breasts thick, high and decorated. (105)
Who are charming with the garlands appearing beautiful on the middle part of the body, beautiful with wavy three lines ( on the stomach ); the wide expanse of whose hips was greeted by the jingling waist-bands.(106)
Who were marked by the pair of big, enchanting pair of thighs, resembling burnished gold; who had beautiful feet raised like a tortoise and lit with moon-like nails. (107)
[55] Who were pleasing on account of amorous gestures and actions caused by deep satisfaction; whose minds were pierced by the shaits of the god of love; who were tall;-they, with eagerness looked upon him. (108)