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The servants were also deeply devoted and accompanied with celestial splendour, and charming as they were, they spoke 'Sir, look at the mansions of gods'.(109)
He looked at the mansions of gods with nymphs; who bowed to his greatness with the words of victory; and who were expert in enchanting. (110)
The mansions whose high plinths were built with the collection of broad quartz-stones; which was accompanied with walls made up of fine crystal-stones studded with jewels. (111)
Which had hundreds of strange, fine statues made up on the pillers of precious stones (i. e. Vaiduryas ); and also the spaces between whose walls were stuck up with celestial swords and chowries. (112)
Which had beds made up of fine and varied celestial clothes and which were beautiful with strings of pearls and hanging silken clothes. (113)
In whose floors, embellished with the flowers of a celestial tree, were reflected the clusters of bees; which were full of incense-pots; and where the strings of jewels were hanging. (114)
He, with meritorious deeds done in previous birth and with his mind satisfied, stayed in them enjoying celestial pleasures with a group of nymphs. (115)
He enjoyed celestial pleasures, according to his will with nymphs, in Candrānana heaven for a complete Sāgaropama. (116)
Gunasena-Aggisamma' which was spoken here, is thus over, now listen to what was spoken as 'Sihinandă ya tahā.' (117)