[ 118. 14 ose mind was fully confident; and who had not made an arrangement for protection;—with the sword unsheathed. In the meantime, great hue and cry arose; the agitation in the city-army took place; Ananda was surrounded on all sides by the army. Under the oath of a treason to his body, the king said "Eh! What is thus the need of fighting ? Then I indeed should be beheld as killed; so make an installation of him as a king. Let him be a king!” In the meantime Durmati was ordered ( by the prince ), “ Fasten him with strong shackles." Then Durmati saying “As the prince orders " came near him. [118] He depraved the family sonship. He discarded the citizens. Then having put the king into bonds through personal guards, the king was managed to be put under proper protection. The kingdom was taken into hands; proper arrangements were made; the group of vassals was brought under control. Then, out of consequent bad feeling, the king was taken to the city-prison. The prison was full of the smell of night-soil extremely churned; the serpents slept on its broken walls; the clusters of gnats and flies were hum: ming; the collection of rats proceeded from the mouths of the cavities and holes; the sloughs of serpents hung from above; the canopy, as it were, was made by spiders; it was the bed-hall of evil age; it was as it were, the play-ground of irreligious conduct; it was as it were the brother of the hell; it was as it were the assembly of the rise of all miseries; it was the familyhome of all implorings; it was as it were the place of confidence of Death; and it was the victory-ground of the god of death. Knowing that the king was led to the