Before dealing with araf, we shall take up the दिपद्वीखंड ( 66. 21 ) for treatment. Metrically it is the same but the difference is
only in the fact that is constituted of two unit-lines whereas this as it stands contains 4 lines. द्विपदी is defined by Pingla (Präk rta— Pingla-Sutrāni Ed. Ghosh, Calcutta P. 257 ) आइ इंद जत्थो पढमहि, दिज्जहि बेवि धणुहरं । तह पाइकजुअलु परिसंठवहु, विविह चित्तसुंदरं ॥ १५२ ॥ सरसइ लइ पसाउ तहि पुहविहि, करहि कइत कइअणा । महुअर चरण अंत लइ दिनहु दोअइ भणहु बुहअणा ॥ १५३ ॥ The metrical arrangement according to Pingala therefore is = 6 मात्राs ( इंदु . i. e. middle two short ) + 4 मात्राs + 4 मात्रs ( 2 धनर्धरs ) + 4 मात्राs + 4 मात्राs ( 2 पाइकs ) + 6 मात्राs ( मधुकर 1. e. last two मात्रs - ) = 28 मात्राs in one चरण. Accordingly if our fat is scanned it will be as follows;—
4 4 4
अहिणवने | हनिभ | रुक्क । ण्ठिय अइ । पव्त्रा । यवयणिया
सरसमुणा । लत्रलय । गास । म्मि विसइ | मन्दा | हिलासिया दाहिणपव । णविहु । कमला | यरए । वि अदि ।
न्नदिट्टिया पियसंगम | कए न । उत्त । म्मइ कह । वररा | यहंसिया ||
v V
Only in the last line the first unit of 6 मात्राs has not its two middle मात्राs as in other three lines above. Otherwise the metre