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time. My name was settled as Purnabhadra. The first word, while making the sound, I uttered, was 'Amara'. Hence my second name was Amaragupta. As I was born in the house of a S'ravaka, I adopted the religion preached by Jinas. In the meantime, the other, also returning from the hell, became a big fish in the sea of Svaymbhuramana and died, visited by immense sinful activity; then he became a hell-dweller with the age of twelve Sagaropamas in the hell-world Dhumaprabha; on returning he wandered in various lower lives and was born in the same city as a daughter of merchant Nandavarta in the womb of his wife S'rinanda. She took birth at a proper time. Her name was settled Nandayanti. She attained youth and was given to me. The marriage was over. My affection took place towards her; and hers towards me. Thus some time, of us enjoying the pleasures of senses, passed away. On account of the taint of actions done in the past, the consequence of her perfidy on me did not vanish away; so though everything of the house was entrusted to her, she acted with deceit. Though informed by servants, I did not put faith in it. Once she told me. "My pair of earrings, the best of all, is lost." Now having herself appropriated the pair, she showed pertur bation. Then I said to her "My fair one, that is meagre; what is the use of so much perturbation? [101] I shall get you another pair made." A new pair of earrings was then made ready. After some days had passed, at the time of annointing, I gaue her the jewelled ring with the emboss of my name. She hid it in her casket of ornaments. When the time for bath and meals came to an end, I applied to myself toilette powder, took a betel and unsuspecting, I took from the casket myself the jewelled ring.