102. 9. 1 I found there the pair of earrings, which was the best of all and was lost before. An anxiety came over me, "How is this again found ?” In the meantime, Nandyanti came there with confusion. She perceived in my hand the jewelled ring. She was ashamed. Her feeling was seen through. Then I at once went out of the house. She thought. "He has seen the pair of earrings, Then what should be done in this case ? I have come to a mean state; but he must also be destroyed. I shall kill him within the time my meanness is not known even among servants. In this matter, this is the way, I shall employ the charm which can instantly kill him.” Then she alone prepared the charm by bringing together many things which can bring about death. While she was arranging them at one place, she was bitten by a snake. Priest Rudradeva said this to me. I went with confusion at home. And I saw Nandayanti, whose body was covered with black circles and mere remnant of whose life existed. Having seen her in that condition [102] anxiety came upon me, “ Fie upon this world of living beings which resembles the deceitiul magicshow!" With eyes filled with tears, I said to her with choaks; “My fair one, what troubles you ? ” As she did not speak, I was disappointed and all hope of life was destroyed. Still however thinking, “In this case snakecharmers are an authority, as incomprehensible is the power of charms." I called them. They also lost hope. They said “O son of merchant, she is indeed bitten by her grim destiny; and is not within the range of charmers. So you should not be angry.” Saying so, the snake-charmers went away. Then in spite of my serva