[103. 8. nts engaged in weeping and mourning, she was deprived of life and her funeral ceremony was made. Then, on account of the dejection caused by her death, my disgust towards the world increased; and thinking “Fie upon this world !" | gave up unsubstantial attachment bringing troubles and miseries, and took friarhood. Now the poor wo:nan died and was born in the hell-world called Tamasprabha. Her age was twenty-one Sagaropamas. This is my life-history. Having heard this, the dejection came upon the king and the citizens. The king asked, “Revered sir, what will be the consequence for her and for me?” The revered friar said, “Her emancipation will be at the end of the interminable worIdly existence; while mine, in this very birth.”
Then I, surrounded by many citizens, on hearing this, took up friarhood in the presence of the same teacher. But this is my particular reason."
Prince Simha said, “Your reason for disgust is quite proper. [103] Now, of how many ambulations is this worldly existence? And of what particular sorts, the happiness and misery mental and physical, do living beings experience ? And, O revered sir, what is, in this case, the faith which is able to free one from the prison of the worldly existence?” Dharmaghosa said, “My son, hear what you have asked."
“In this case worldly existence is formed of four ambulations; viz. the ambulations in the living states of hell-beings. lower beings, human beings and celestial beings. Again in the contemplation of happiness and