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95. 18. चरणपरिणाम: = सम्यक्चारित्राध्यवसायः the determined propensity towards good conduct.
103-107. The मधुबिंदु parable which is so famous with Jain theology to show the utterly insignificant shadow of happiness in this wordly life before the stupendous heaps of miseries. The earliest mention of this fable is found completely in the वसुदेवहिंडि of संघदास who is earlier than हरिभद्र. I quote the उपसंहार as given there : उपसंहारो पुण दिटुंतस्य । जहा सो पुरिसो, तहा संसारी जीवो : जहा सा अडवी, तहा जम्मजरारोगमरणबहुला संसाराडवी । जहा अयगरो तहा नरगतिरिअगईओ । जहा सप्पा, तहा कोधमाणमायालोमा चत्तारि कसाया दोग्गइगमणनायगा । जहा परोहो, तहा जीवियकालो । जहा मूसगा, तहा कालसुक्किला पक्खा राइंदियदसणेहिं परिक्खिवंति जीविरं । जहा दुमो, तहा कम्मबंधणहेऊ अवाणं अविरति मिच्छतं च । जहा महु, तहा सद-फरिस-रस-रूव-गंधा इंदियत्था । जहा महुयरा, तहा आगंतुगा सरीरुग्गया वाही । तस्सेवं भयसंकडे वट्टमाणस्स कुओ सुहं ?। महुबिंदुरससमाययओ केवलं सुहकप्पणा ॥ ( वसुदेवहिडि ed. मुनिश्री. चतुरविजय and मुनिश्रीपुण्यविजय Part. 1. Page. 8 lines 16-24) Mark the style 103.16-114.8. It is replete with long compounds. In the fable recorded by हरिभद्र the additions to the above are :-राक्षसीजरा, वटवृक्षः मोक्ष while दुम above means बंधनहेतुs (a striking contrast). Mark the simplicity of वसुदेवहिडि's fable.