[१५५ ] 92. 17. पेरन्तरक्खणवावडेसु सवरसंघाएसु [ पर्यन्तरक्षणव्यापृतेषु शबरसंघातेषु ] When the hosts of शबरs were engaged in the protection of the frontiers.
93. 7. पत्तेयं प्रत्येक 94. 2. विहलङला=पा. स. म. P. 110. बिहलाड़गी. .
95. 10. अइकन्तेसु पञ्चसु पयाणएसुः पयाणय-a march, must be a measure of distance. 113. 8. Cf. वि. आ. पयाणयतियं.
95. 15. खओवसममुवगयं चारित्तमोहणीयं । Cf. वि. आ. 1292:
सो चव नणूवसमो उइए खीणम्मि सेसए खविए सुहुमोदयया मीसे न तूबसमिए विसेसोऽयं ॥ १२९२ ॥
This gāthā explains what is क्षयोपशम and उपशम; it can be translated as “ That indeed is उपशम when the new action to arise is nullified, and the remaining action is suppressed. In the mixed (i.e. क्षयोपशम ) there is the partial ( lit. subtle ) rise of action; but that is never in उपशमिक. This is the difference.
95. 17. चारित्रमोहनीय This is the variety of a मोहनीयकर्म, which is an action done under the influence of कषाय. Cf. तत्त्वार्थ. VI. 15. कषायोदयात्तीवात्मपरिणामः (अध्यवसायः) चारित्रमोहस्य । The 25 sorts of चारित्रमोहनीय = 16 under the influence of कषाय +9 under the influence of नोकषाय.