came out and stung the king who thereupon fell down from his throne. The queen did not inform the king about this because of the dislike she began to feel for him. Once during her pregnancy, she had a desire to eat the bowels of the king. This horrible desire made her disgusted of the unborn child and she tried to have abortion in vain. She grew worse and worse day by day. The king was alarmed and asked her the cause but she did not speak out. At last the queen's maid Madanalekhă told him truly about the matter. He then sat in counsel about this with his minister Matisāgara. He suggested the trick to the king. The artificial bowels were to be kept hidden about the king who had to remain hungry so as not be detected and they were to be taken out and offered to the queen. The plan became successful and the queen grew better. It was arranged that the child as soon as born, was to be delivered to the minister and not to the king, so that Matisãgara might arrange to bring up the child without the knowledge of the father. The queen consented to this and delivered the child to the minister who asked the maid to carry it away. The king saw the