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the highest path, he was caught up by tainting emotions. His aim for the next world was gone. His faith in religion was ruined. The feeling of enmity, which is the seed of the tree of all miseries came upon him. He felt extreme hunger, which gives pain to the body. He was dragged by hunger. Then,
By him, who had fallen with the first accidental calamity, who was under the sway of ignorance and anger and who was of silly mind, a grim revengeful determination for the next birth was resorted to. (57)
“If any fruit is to come up of this particular observance which I have kept up assiduously, let in every birth, my life be for his murder. (58)
A man does not do good to dear ones and harm to enemies; what is the use of his birth which merely ruins his mother's youth ? (59)
And this king is my enemy from my childhood, without any faults on my part; and sinful too; I shall therefore do him evil.” (60)
Having made such evil resolve, he, not purifying himself of the taint and with his mind burning with the fire of anger, thought upon it frequently. (61)
In the meantime, he arrived at the penance-forest. The fire of his anger was growing more and more, being inflamed by bad thoughts arising out of various doubts. He kept the patriarch and other hermits aside, and entered the mango-grove without being seen, and sat on the four-cornered raised seat made out of a clean stone. He again began to think out of repentence.“ What an