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Then, when some days having passed, King Gunasena was sitting on the terrace of his palace, he somehow heard the sound of the drums for the dead; it was as it were the sound of the march-drum of the god of death, interspersed by the sounds of 'alas, alas' -it was the loud laughter of the demon of worldly existence; it was as it were the act of carelessness on the part of the world of living beings. Soon then, he saw the dead one, who was under the sway of the god of death; whose body was carried by four men; who was surrounded by weeping relatives. His mind conceived extreme disgust of this world. He realised the world of living beings, just like a magic-show. The crust of his sins was washed away by the water of religious meditation. The anxiety came upon his mind.
We are also mortal. They are only fortunate in this world which has a bad end, they-who [ 50 ] are the brothers to three worlds; who have stuck their regard on the doctrine preached by great omniscient sages; and who go from the household to a houseless condition of a friar. They abstain from killing, falsehood, taking of things not given, sexual intercourse and possessions. They take food purified of 42 Esana faults. They take their food, free from 5 faults of Samyojana and others at a proper time. They observe 5 rules of heedful conduct and 3 rules of guarding one's conduct. They observe 25 Bhavanis, to be heedful in walking etc., in order to follow 5 Vratas without transgressions. They principally observe non-eating, eating in a limited quantity etc, penitence, modesty etc., forming the external as well as internal penances. They_observe various monastic standards of one month etc. They are