canopies. आलोव = आलोच A canopy.
20. 16-17. fTTegergić gfa TFTTTUART RHEINE afuri Ftzfagić i. e. The astrologers, who took the measurement of shade by the measuring-rod and who knew the deep sense of the science of astrology, said. is = a measuring-rod.
23. 7. J. Reads gania the expression, I take, is gout. S. Ar. #1. 's MSS. BF. grotte G. äa. 's selection is warranted by one Ms. of e. FT. Ar. The text of t. Fl. Al. takes gooaa.
23. 14. Framfara grati The intention of the author seems to be to bring about alliterative play by bringing to-gether similar expressions. The whole description of the birth-celebrations St. 51-55 is characteristic due to long compounds as well as to the description of the manner of dance prevalent in those days.
23. 19. 3TENT [ sidetri ] See. diarto IX. Greg Tarla 117811 the stra's are of 4 types (1) straf (2) tiz (3) TA (4) y . The ordemra is again divided into 4 parts. (1) Bh ai Árat afegire flaterateTT: 113911 Tarto IX = the first type of s eara is the continuous meditation for the separation of the unpalatable, when the unpalatable thing has befallen (2) CATTIST 113711 ibid i. e. when the air