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there will be a fire in the city, he will be burnt to ashes by fire and die; then he will be again born as a female in the womb of the same house-maid. As soon as born, he will be a cripple moving on the back. Then she while going on the highway, will be killed by a mad elephant, got loose, and will be born as a woman in the womb of Kalanjanika, the wife of Usadatta. She will grow to youth and will be given by Usadatta to one named Usaraksita, grovelling in extreme poverty. As a wornan, being married, she will be pregnant and at the time of pregnancy, she will be much in travail and after death she will be born to her own mother as a son. As soon as born, while he will be playing on the bank of the Gandhara river in the childhood, he will be caught as an enemy's son by Usadatta's enemy named Cilata; and he will throw him in the lake after tying his neck to a big stone. This will be the end of his evil meditation. He is an elevated spirit and will attain salvation; only that he has not realized the fundamental principle.
Then I said, “Sir, where will he be born after his death in water ? When will he know the fundamental principle ? When will he attain salvation ?” The revered friar replied, “Hear.
[42] After death in water, he will be born in the class of demigods called Vyanvyantara. Then in that birth, he will obtain right belief, the only seed of the desire-yielding tree in the form of eternal bliss, before Tirthankara Ananda. Then coming in four states (of higher life), he, when calculable (i. e. limited, few) birth-takings are over, will become a king in this country of