[ 26. 20. not known. He therefore invites me with an idea of mockery and by uncourteous conduct [26] puts me to insult by a variety of deceitful misconduct. Knowing therefore to-day my fast-breaking day, he has all of a sudden arranged for a festival. Then I entered the king's palace and was disregarded and knowing therefore the opinion of the retainers of the king, I soon went out.” Then the hermits said, “Revered sir, that is not possible in king Gunasena who is much attached to hermits; or people are of strange relations. What is not possible? There is nothing impossible for the tainted feelings." Having said so, they, being much dejected, reported to the patriarch, namely, “Even now, on account of this happening, the fast of Hermit Agnis'arman is not broken.' Then the patriarch unpurturbed, came soon to Agnis'arman; and was honoured with fitting courtesies by Agnis'arman. Then he said "Dear son, how is your fast not broken even now? What an unfit act on the part of king Gunasena !" Hermit Agnis'arman said “O sir, the kings are careless people. What is his fault ? This is in a way my fault, as I could not even give up the last attachinent to food; so that I had to enter even his house. Now I have given up even this much attachment which is the seed of all these insults. Hence I beseech your worship not to order me otherwise in the matter of this object." The patriarch said “Dear son, if you have given up food, now the time is passed for order. Verily, the hermits keep up truly their vows. But you should not be angry to the king. Because, [ 27 ]
Everybody gets the consequential fruits of the actions done in the previous birth; in the matter of