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When that (i. e. the tree) was shaken, the honeycomb which developed on the inaccessible branch on the well, got loose and fell in the old well. (186)
Then over the head of him whose all limbs were stung by the clusters of angry, vile bees, the drops of honey fell somehow simply by a circumstance. (187)
Having turned the face, he desired to taste for a moment the drop which entered from over the head and also others falling. (188)
He became exulted under the influence of the greed of tasting the sweet drop of honey, without considering the fears of the boa, the serpents, the elephant, the rats, the depth of the well and the bees. (189)
This illustration is exceedingly efficacious for destroying the illusions of the high-souled persons; hear, ye its conclusion as will be said. (190)
The man is the soul; the wandering in the forest is the wandering in four ambulatory stages; the wild elephant is the death; and also know the demoness to be the old age. (191)
The Banyan-tree is the absolution, which is indeed free from the fears of the great elephant in the form of death; which can not be climbed by persons, who are grovelling in the pleasures of senses. (192)
The human life is the well; and also the serpents are the tainted feelings; by them the man is eaten away and he does not understand what is proper to do and what is not. (193)
And that which is the clump of grass, is the period