44. 6. ] 3 Guna-vratas and 4 Siksa-vratas. The duties of a friar are tenfold:
Forgiveness, softness, straightforwardness, renunciation of the evil, penance, constraint, should be known; truth, purity, poverty and celibacy are the duties of a friar. (70)
The fundamental thing of these twofold duties is right belief; that becomes difficult to be attained by a living being, enveloped by the unending series of actions. That action is eight-fold viz. Jnanavarniya, Darsanävarnıya, Vedniya, Mohaniya, Ayus, Nama and Gotra. And its cause is: false belief; ignorance; want of non-attachment; want of care; tainted feelings; and the sullied contacts. The period of the persistance of the action once accumulated as a consequence, is said to be twofold, namely, the long and the short. Among these periods, the long periods; 30 Krodakrodi (i. e. a crore X a crore ) Sagaropamas of Jninivaraniya, Dars'anivaraniya, Vedniya and Antariya actions, bora of grim unhappy results; 7 of Mohaniya; 20 of Nima and Gotra; 33 Sigaropamas of Ayus: the low periods:(respectively of the same ) accumulated as the consequences of the same type, 12 Muhurtas; of Nima and Gotra 8; and of the remaining, different Muhurtas. [44) O! the action so marked by periods, when with great stress and toss somehow, by YathapravrttaKarana all krodakrodi Sagaropamas, excepting one are worn away and even from that one krodākrodi, something has worn away, then there is a Karmagranthi ( lit. A knot of actions ) characterised by the consequences of the taints of deep attachment; which receives