[ १२९ ]
5. 17. भणियं च पुवायरिएहिं This shows that the nucleus of this legend is traditional. Refer. 6. 910. एवमेयाओ चरियसंगहणिगाहाओ । संपयं एयासिं चेव गुरूवपसाणुसारेणं वित्थरेण भावस्थो कहिज्जइ 1. Also at the end of every भव, he says धक्खायं जं भणियं etc. At the end of the work in the self-explanatory प्रशस्ति he says.
गुरुवयणपंकयाओ सोऊण कहाणयाणुराएण अनिउणमहणा वि दढं बालाइअणुग्गहटाए ॥
(J's Edition. Fasc. 9. P. 805) ___6. 1-2. The details of the Cosmography of Jainas are given by me in the special Appendix P. 145-148 in my edition of अंतगड & अणुत्तरोववाइय. See. तत्वार्थ. III for the information of heavens and hells in details. For the chart of this see the appendix of my above-mentioned edition or तत्त्वार्थ. P. 13. ( आर्हतप्रभाकर Series No. 2 published by Motilal Ladhji, Poona.)
____6. 5; 6-7. सागर and पलिय-both are the timedivisions of Jain Theology. In नवतत्वप्रकरण Mehesana Ed. St. 13 the full enumeration of Time-divisions is given : समयावली मुहुत्ता, दीहा, पक्खा, य मास, वरिसा य । भणिओ पलिया सागर उस्सप्पिण्णवसप्पिणो कालो । See Notes atão & ato. P. 122 and 125 (Ed. M. C. Modi) सागर = measure of time, age of the