। १३७ ]
43. 3. ff. All the sermon that follows closely resembles the details found in Jarfo Chap. I. 1. (ibid.) सम्यग्दर्शनज्ञानचारित्राणि मोक्षमार्गः । साहओ उण उवाओ इमस्स [परमपयस्स] सम्मत्तनाणचरणलक्खणो पडिवाइओ त्ति । (समराक P. 43. 3.) 43. 5 तत्त्वार्थ. VII. 14. अगार्यनगारश्च ॥ i. e. A act is either a householder or a friar. A house-holder can not like an ascetic follow ifaranस्तेयाब्रह्मपरिग्रहेभ्यो विरतिव्रतम् ॥ (तत्त्वार्थ० VII. 1.) in their totality; he therefore follows it with a little of reservation; hence he is said to follow 5. अणुव्रतs, [3. गुणव्रतs taken as one & 4 शिक्षाव्रतs] दिग्देशानर्थदंडविरतिसामायिकपौषधोपवासोपभोगपरिमाणातिथिसंविभागवतसंपन्नश्च ॥ १६ ॥ ibid. Vil. 3. गुणव्रतs are (1) दिग्विरतिव्रत (2) देशविरतिव्रत (3) अनर्थदंडविरतिव्रत । & 4 शिक्षाबतs (1) सामायिकव्रत (2) पौषधोपवासव्रत ( 3 ) उपभोगपरिभोगपरिमाणवत ( 4 ) अतिथिसंविभागवत. The details of these aas as regards their faarts or trangressions are given in 45. 17–48. 10. The strict adherence to the above qas can in the long run, help to annul the effects of fun. Then of course the जइधम्म यतिधर्म which is of 10 kinds खमामद्दबज्जवमुत्तीतवसंजमसच्चसोयाकिंचणबंमचेररूवं जइधम्मं । 48.9. • or in st.69. P. 43. 8-9. St. 70 is also found repeated in our text P. 107 lines 11-12; and also in हरिभद्र' विंशतिर्विशिका 10. 10. The principal point to be won by this discipline is सम्यक्त्व and कर्मक्षय.