fold #, the root of which is in fheara etc. The Phafast requires therefore to be destroyed and for that three ways are mentioned SIETTE FETT, srgazkur, 371977 . Then he discusses 10 लिंगs of सम्यक्त्व, अतिचारs or transgressions of व्रतs, उपशमश्रेणि and क्षपकश्रेणि and ends the discourse. G. then went home and continued to visit V. for a full month at the end of which V. went away from the place. (49. 13.)
Once upon a time, G. from the top of his palace saw a dead body carried on a funeral bier. He at once felt the futility of the worldly life and determined to take the vows of an ascetic under Vijayasenãcãrya. He called his minister pare and conveyed to him this determination to which he readily assented. After necessary forınalities, he nominated aga his successor and before going to anadaiari, in a lone place he observed an all-night observance (52, 2.)
A. who had abstained from food with a sinful resolve, died and became a fargear. He saw G, on a lore spot, threw a shower of fiery sand on him. But G, did not mind pain and died under contemplation,evntually attaining godhood in Candránana, in the garden