making merry, my friend disgusted with the party of Faça due to their low birth, caused Face to be put in prison though the townpeople got him released afterwards. Whenmy friend died, he was born a washerman's dog. The best, on my question what my friend's condition thereafter would be, said that he would be twice born a eunach, a chandăla in Faza's service, as a daughter of ha and at last as his son who would be drowned in the tank by an enemy of his father. Then his facena, the evil effect of his sins would come to an end and since he is a Hon, he would afterwards attain absolution I thus being convinced of the worthlessness of the world and the shackles of actions took to monkhood. (42. 16.)
Then G. put to him the question="ute fs Á A grot; at ar an AC 39137 ?" V. then enters into a lengthy discussion on the topics of Jaina theology. He describes the Highest Abode the instruments for the attainment of which are सम्यक्त्व, ज्ञान and चरण. The सम्यक्त्व is the मूलवस्तु=the central aim of 12-fold गृहिधर्म and 10-fold यतिधर्म. सम्यक्त्व becomes a difficult goal to attain due to the shackles of eight