to call the princess. The love-sick princess went to the palace, bade farewell to all her female friends and in the upper chamber of the palace lay suffering with love-pangs in a couch. She hated all sports and delights and lay there love-lorn. In the meantime, her old nurse sent her daughter # to comfort her, (61. 19.) telling that the princess was tired after a walk in the park 3सुंदर. मदनलेखा approached the princess and saw her in bed thoroughly pulled down. The princess, on being asked by her the reason of this depression, simply evaded the right thing by saying that she was slightly feverish due to the exhaustion caused by the gardenwalk and ordered her to prepare a couch in the plantain-bower. The princess lay in the couch. The naid offered her a betel and began to fan her. (63. 2.) closely watched the symptoms and concluded to herself that the princess was tormented by acute passion. The maid asked her whether she saw some strange thing in the garden. The princess could not contain herself and said that she saw Prince Simha and elaborately described him. (64. 80.) The maid approved of this selection and also informed her that