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hunger. (104] His eyes were frightened on hearing the sounds of swift and cruel wild beasts. His limbs were washed by the water of perspiration produced on account of the exhaustion of a long road. He had lost the circle of directions. His gait was hampered by the uneven path. While he was wandering, he saw a wild elephant; who resembled the collection of clouds on the universe; at the time of the final annihilation whose frenzy increased as he destroyed many travellers; who filled the part of the dreary forest by terrific shrieks; and who was running swiftly on the road; raising a formidable trunk. And to add, in the front, there was a very cruel demoness; who had black garments;who made a loud and terrifying laugh; and whose forehand was occupied in holding a sharp sword. Then, having seen both of them, be, whose limbs were shaking with the terror of death, looked on all directions and saw a big banyan-tree; which checked the way of movement of Siddha and Gandharva couples. He began to think, namely.
"If indeed somehow I climb the banyan tree, whose thick foliage is cut by the fore-hoofs of the horses of the sun, I can be free from that big elephant." (174)
So thinking he, who was terrified and whose path was such that the soles were cut by the needle-like sprouts of Kus'a grass on the way, ran with speed and approached the terrific banyan-tree. (175)
Seeing it, he was disappointed as he was unable to climb the banyar-tree which was difficult to be trans