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वैयावृत्यस्वाध्यायव्युत्सर्गध्यानाभ्यंतरम् ॥ २० ॥ The details of all these are given in the subsequent सूत्र of तस्वार्थ
___50. 11. अठारससीलंगसहस्सधारिणो-holding 180c0 varieties of good conduct. The inquisitive will find all these 18000 varieties in charts published by Jaina theological publicists.
53. 14. अंतोमुहुत्तेण [अंतर्मुहूर्तेन] the duration of time less than two afears or forty-eight minutes. ·
55. 4. जंगिरे-An adjective formed from जप-जल्प by adding इर. __55. 5. समयं-[ समम् ] with.
55. 8. फलिहा [ स्फटिक ] A quartz, a crystalstone.
55. 9. वेरुलिय [ वैडूर्य ] A kind of gem.
52. 5. gazitīt the power of consciousness used by the soul in dealing with the objects.
56. 4. अहयं [अहतं] continuously.
53. 10. ओहेण [ओघेण] according to the order. see the translation; निव्वत्तन्ति cf. निव्वत्तेइ 53. 14. to transform.
54. 6. नंदा Congratulatory words.
56. 15. सुविणयंमि [ स्वप्ने ] in the dream; this is also found as gfworzifa in the MSS.