आदरणिज्ज [भावरगीय] 43. 15, covering. भावायण [भापानक] 23. 14.
a drinking-stall. यावाविय[आपादित] 101. 20.
made to possess. आवासणियाभूमि [आवासनिकाभूमि] 114. 7. camp-grounds. आविकार [आविष्कार 114. 22. revealing. माविहवा [आविर्भवति] 44. 22. to revel. माचीई [भावीचि] 121. : 14. continuously. आवीट [आपीड] 67. 19. a crest-garland (N) पास [अश्व] 11. 20. a horse. आस्रव [आरब] 78. 4. a sinful activity. आसायण [आसादन] 69. 19. obtaining. आसंदिचा [आर्सदिका]69. 16. a long wooden couch. आइड [आइत] 46. 4. brought.
आहीरन्त [आन्हियमाण] 23.7. being taken out. भाहेडग [आखेटक] 91. 12.
a hunter. इइ [इति] 47. 2. of this
nature. इक्कण [D] 71. 7. a thief. इतिरिय इत्वरिक] 46. b.
of a short time. इत्थि [स्त्री] 40.21. a woman. इन्दयाल [इन्द्रजाल] 49. 20. a __magic show. इंदाउह [इन्द्रायुध] 11.10.the
rain-bow. इयाणि [इदानि] 82. 6. now. इसि [ऋषि] 9. 10. a sage. इहरहा [इतरथा] 19. 14. by
another way. ईइसि [इदृशी] 14. 7. of
this kind. ईसि ईषत् ] 8. 23. little. उ [D] 13. 15. a particle
of emphasis. उठ [ऋतु] 59. 5. a season.