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the state of enduring hunger, thirst, etc. without the will to destroy actions etc. That is called the mixed story which treats mainly the three objects; which has poetry, a good story and the breadth of the meaning of the work; which is distinguished by the secular lores and doctrines; and which is accompanied with causes, purposes and illustrations.
Of those stories, the hearers are threefold, viz. the low, the ordinary and the high. Among them, the low people, influenced by Tamas (i. e. ignorance ) are those whose sense is warped by anger, pride, deceit, and greed; who are averse to the sight of the next world; who only see how to get the highest object of this world; who have no compassion towards living creatures;-they (i.e.the low) attach themselves to the wealth-story which is with the set intent to lead to a low after-life, which is inimical to the happy after-life, and which is, in reality, full of evil things. The ordinary people, influenced by Rajas (i. e. passion ) are those whose mind is made senseless by the poison of the object of senses like sound etc., who follow the strain of their senses which are inimical to the reality; who have not experienced the path to the Highest; and whose ideas are not settled about what is nice and what is not nice ( with the determination that) 'this is nice but that is nicer' ; [4]-they (i. e, the ordinary) attach themselves to the love-story which redound to increase misery here and in the next birth; which is composed simply of ridiculous things; and which is worthy to be laughed out by the wise. They are a little influenced by Sattva; who are a little more elevated; whose hopes are settled on the world, this