Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 20
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 46
________________ 33 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JANUARY, 1891. sometimes to as much as about 25 ghatís. Some- i. e. the ahargana for the end of the luni-solar times it may be the case that both the mean and year 4923 of the Kaliyuga (i. e. again for the the apparent tithi end on the same day; but in beginning of Kaliyuga-Sarvat 4924 current, Igost cases, the apparent' tithi would end one or Saka-Samvat 1745 current) is computed as day before or after the day on which it ends as a 1798147 days, 1 ghati, 49 vighatis (palas), 55 parus mean tithi. Warren writes (Chro. Tables, p. xiii.) (vipalas), 7 suras (prativipalas) according to the "since the Solar Civil date of the last conjunction Sürya-Siddhanta, and as 1798146-39-24-28-53 in the year 4923 of the Cali yug fell on the 12th according to the Arya-Siddhanta; and the dif. Chitra" (the Bengal solar Chaitra],"it follow ference of the two reckonings is given as 22 gh. that the Prathama Tidhi, or first Lunar day of 25 vi. 26 p. 14 8. (pages 243, 244 of the text, and the Luni-solar year 4924" (current] "fell on the p. 66 of the Tables).* But, counting from the 13th Chitra,...... as was exemplified in the Thursday midnight, the former, vis-the SuryaKalendar exhibited at page 67." As only the Siddhanta ahargana, brings us to 46 gh. 49 vi. apparent tithis are entered in the calendar, the 55 p. after sunrise on a Friday, and shews that prathama tithi referred to here is apparent. the mean end of that luni-solar year occurred at Again he says (Chro. Tables, p. xiv.) " it is almost that time on that day, and that its last feria was needless to add, that when the true time of Friday, and counting from the Friday sunrise, Sun rising is referred to, as it occurs in any the latter, vix, the Arya-Siddhanta ahargana, Latitude or Longitude arbitrarily proposed, the brings us to 39 gh. 24 vi. on the same day; the real precise Solar date of the Amarasya, and Prathama difference between the two being only 7 gh. 25 vi. Tidhis ...... may vary from what it is com. My assertion that the mean end of the luni-solar puted for Lanca in the Chronological Table. year 4923 of the Kaliyuga, i. e. the end of its But as this difference can only occur when the last mean amdvdsyd, occurred at 46 gh. 49 vi. 55 p. last conjunction falls very near the time of Sun = nearly 46 gh. 50 vi.) after sunrise on the Friday rising, the case is a rare one." From these two according to the Súrya-Siddhanta, can be shewn quotations Warren's intention seems to have been, to be correct from Warren's calculations them. to give the day of the apparent conjunction; but selves. He has calculated the same tithi on pages the contrary has been the case. It is rather sur. 82 to 90. The mean places of the sun and moon prising that Warren, while noticing in the latter calculated for that purpose are 11° 9° 26' 36 37 quotation the trifling difference of some palas or and 118 21° 18 3424" respectively (see p. 83 or of a ghatikd or two, arising from the actual time 86). They are, as is evident from the number of of sunrise in a place away from the first meridian 8dvana days used in the first proportions in and equator, forgot the difference, which some. article 6, page 83, according to the Súrya-Sid. times amounts to 25 ghatikds. If it be kept in dhdnta; and from the remarks in lines 6 to 3 mind that the entries in the said columns of the from the bottom of page 82, and from the first Second Chronological Table are for the last mean two lines of the 13th operation on page 90, it conjunction of the year, they will be useful for will be seen that they are for the midnight on calculating the apparent conjunction and any Saturday, 12th Poongoni (the Bengal Solar other apparent tithi in the ensuing year; subject, Chaitra). And from these places it is seen at however, to another error, which I will now point once that the mean conjunction had already out. happened, and that the moon was, at that mid. night, 11° 48' 57' 47" in advance of the sun. In calculations strictly according to the SúryaSiddhanta, the ahargana from the beginning of the Calculating from this distance and from the mean daily motions of the sun and moon, we find that Kaliyuga is to be calculated from midnight on the mean amavdeyd occurred 58 gh. 10 vi. (the Hindu) Thursday, and in those uccording to before the Saturday midnight, i. e. at 46 gh. the Arya-Siddhanta, it is to be calculated from 50 vi. after mean sunrise on the Friday, i.e. again the next following morning, i. e. from sunrise on the Friday. This distinction, though sometimes exactly at the time which I have given above. observed (p. 90), is lost sight of, often in the text, It must be stated here, first, that Warren, and wholly in preparing the Second Chronological in finding the week-day from the luni-solar Table. For instance, the luni-solar ahargana, ahargana as calculated from the Tables, neglecta * The appurent conjunction took place on that day : but the mean conjunction on the previous day, as will be shewn further on. Tbis difference is given as 32-24-51 on page 120, which seems to be a slight mistake. -5 This date is taken for calculation, in consequence of thinking, erroneously, that the mean conjunction happened on that day. The 11th Poongoni ought to have been taken. But it is immaterial for the ultimate result, in calculating a tithi as worked out here by Warren.


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