No. 9.]
Maryadasagaradeva, Maryådásågara must be another name of his father and predecessor Vyasa (the son of Guņasågara II.).
In the proge part of the inscription Sodhadeva from his residence at Dhuli&ghatta (1. 32) informs the Maharajñi (or Maharajñis), Mahardjaputras, Mahásándhivigrahikas and other officials and the inhabitants concerned that, after bathing in the great river Gandaki on the occasion of the Uttarayana-sankranti on Sunday, the seventh tithi of the bright half of Pausha in the year 1134 (given in words, 1. 39), he granted twenty nálukas of land in the fields of certain villages or hamlets to fourteen Brâh mang whose names, gôtras, etc., and exact shares in the land are given in lines 40-50. Among the titles of officials enumerated here, and in the description of the several classes of inhabitants mentioned, there are some terms which I have not met before or about the proper reading of which I am doubtful: they are the terms mahamahantaka, mahadánika, mahåpândhákulika (or mahápándha and kulika?) in line 34, and vishayada. nika, khandavala,' valadhira (or baladhira) and bhaftamákutika (or bhaffa and mdkutika P) in line 35. The term naluka (or, abbreviated, nálu), which also occurs in a plate of Gôvindachandra of Kanauj (above, Vol. V. p. 114, 1. 19), apparently is derived from, and equivalent to, the Sanskrit nalva, a measure of distance equal to 400 (or, according to others, 100, or 120) hastas; what I do not understand in the present inscription is, that the land measuring twenty nálukas' in line 37 is further qualified by the expression dévakufikáshtha-parimita. Nor am I able to give the meaning of the word påfika in the expression påtikaya vibhajya which occurs in line 47
The land granted by the king was in the district of) Tikariká that belonged to the Gunakala-vishaya (1.36). It formed part of the fields of Mahieri-pataka, Asathi-pataka, Thiula-pataka, Vaņia-påţaka, Duåri-pätaks and Chhiqaqatêmbha, a group of villages bounded on the east by Annadha, on the north by Tikari, on the south by Avadachaņa, and on the west by Chandulia. The terms in which the land was given are well known from the grants of Govindachandra and other kings of Kanauj.
Each of the fourteen donees is described by a term indicating his place of residence or origin. and in each case, the text gives the father's name, the gôtra, the number of pravaras (three or five), and the Vedic sakha. The gotras so mentioned are those of Katyayana, Kasyapa, Kusika, Krishnatra (for Krishņåtrêya ?), Kauņdinya, Dhaumra, Párásara (or Parasara), Bharadvaja, Rahula, Såvarna and sri-Sandilya ; the sakhas the Bahvpicha-s., Chhandoga-s., Vajasanêya-s., MAdhyandina-ś. and Yajuh-s. The donees and their fathers mostly have one of the titles pandita, dikshita, agnihotrin, dvivedin, bhatta, or simply brahmana. Among their proper names occur Govindáyichcha, Chhanchhi (gen. 'ikasya), Jakhû, Jalů (gen. úkasya), Tihuyaņasiha, Danda (gen. Säkasya), Nimbo, Bhögû, Madha, Malhé (gen. "ékasya), Vahmata, an: Sidha (gen. akasya). The adjectives derived from the names of the places of residence or origin of the donees are Kataughanagråmiya (from Kataughanagrama), Kahalliya (from Kahall[i]), Kulândhiya (from Kulandh[1] ), Tikarikiya (from Tikari), Tâlikiya (from Tali), Någara (from Nagara), Nikhatigramiya (from Nikhatigrima), Mahuklikiya (from Mahuali), Mathura (from Mathura), Sankagasthåniya (from Sankasasthana), and Hastigramiya (from Hastigrama). In the passage which records the exact partition among the donees of the land granted it is stated in line 50) that one of the donees together with his 3 nálus of land received a dwelling-place.
After the ten benedictive and imprecatory verses already mentioned it is stated in line 57) that this támra-patta was written by the Adéda-naibandhika or recorder of orders' Janaka on Sunday, the sixth tithi of the dark half of Chaitra of the year 1135 (given in figures only):
1 This would remind one of khandaraksha which is common enough. • Compare the list of names given above, Vol. IV. p. 171 ff.