Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 07
Author(s): E Hultzsch
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 463
________________ 158 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. VII. 986.- $. 1355,- Insor. at Sravana-Belgoļa, No. 108, p. 81. Pillar inscription recording the death of Srutamuni and the erection of a tomb for him; preceded by a long account of Jaina teachers; (composed by Mangarája) : Ishu-sara-sikhi-vidhu-mita-Saka-Paridhåvi-barad-dvitiyag-Ash&dhe aita-navami-Vidhudinôdayajushi sa-Viśå khê pratishthitreyam-iha 11 Monday, 7th July A.D. 1432; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIII. p. 129, No. 96. 987.- $. 1358,- Ep. Ind. Vol. VII. p. 111. Karkaļa Kanarese pillar inscription of Vira-Pandya, the son of Bhairava of the family of Jinadatta : (L. 1).- Saka-nfipana 1358 Rakshasa-samvatsara da Ph]Alguna-su 12lu || 988.-S. 1432"-Inscr. at Sravana-Belgola, No. 103, p. 75. Kanarese inscription recording Home repairs made by a son of Keśavanátha, the minister of the Mandalesvara KulôttungaChangala-Mahadeva : Saia) kha(ka)-varusha 1432daneya Sukla-samvatsarada Vayisakha-ba 1014. 989.- S. 1438(R).- PSOCI. No. 228; Mysore Inscr. No. 112, p. 208. Tyåkal Kanarese rock inscription ; appears to treat of a Mahamandalesvara Gôparaja (Såluva-Gôparája) and others : Saka 1438 (in figures, 1. 1), the Pramádi samvatsara ; the first day of the bright fortnight of Phålguna;' (Mys. Inscr. : the year 1434 '). Pramadin would be $. 1415; (Pramoda = $. 1432, and Pramåthin = $. 1441). 990.-S. 1450 (for 1460).- Inscr. at Sravana-Belgola, No. 99, p. 75. Kanarese pillar inscription recording a private grant: Saka-varsha såvirada 1459 taneya Viļambi-samvatsarada Magha-suddha Byalu. 991.-S. 1486.- Coorg Inscr. No. 10, p. 14. Añjanagiri Kanarese Jaina inscription, caused to be written by Santikirtidêva, the fellow student of Abhinava-Chårukirti-panditadêya: Saka-Varsha 1466 sanda vartamâna-Krodhi-samvatsarada Karti(rtti)ka-su 15yallu. 992.-6. 1476*.-PSOCI. No. 47; Archæol. Surv. of West. India, Vol. I. Plate xxxiii. 8. Badami Telaga pillar inscription : (L. 1).- Salivahana-Saka-varshambulu 1476guna(nê)ţi Pramadi-sam(va] tsara  shada(dha)-ba Illu. 993.-. 1508.- Ind. Ant. Vol. V. p. 40; corrected by Dr. Hultzsch from inked estampaces. Karkala Jaina temple Sanskrit and Kanarese inscription of Immadi-Bhairara88Odeya or Bhairava (II.], surnamed Vfranarasimha-Changanarendra, a descendant of the family of Jinadatta and the nephew of Bhairarana-Odeya or Bhairava [1.], 'supreme lord of PattiPombuchchapura: (L.), - grimach-ChhAli-Sak-Abdake cha gali(pi)tê nag-abhra-bân-êrdubhiguch=&bdé sadVyaya-namni Chaitra-sita-shashtyåm(shthyår) Saumyavård Vrish8 lagne san-Mru(mpi)gasirsha-bhê. (L. 9).- Salivahana-Saka-Varsha | 1508neya Vyaya-samvatsarada Chaitra-buddha-shashtishthi) ya Budhavåra Mrigasira-nakshatra (va) Vrishabha-lagpadalld. Wednesday, 16th March A.D. 1586. Compare above, No. 985. • Compare above, Nos. 501, 508 and 509. For another, undated Badami Telugu pillar inscription see PSOCI. No. 48, and Archael Sure. of West. India, Vol. I. Plate xxxiii. 9. • Compare above, Nos. 985 and 987; also No. 287.


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