information given in No. 1082, the inscription records that the king on a third occasion burnt (the city of) Kampili before Sômêévara [II.] could untie the necklace which he had put on,1 and set up a pillar of victory at Karadikal; that he expelled Dêvanâths and other Samantas from Chakrakôṭṭa, and recovered Kanyakubja.
1084.- South-Ind. Inscr. Vol. III. No. 84, p. 202. Perumbêr (Tândônrisvara temple) Tamil inscription of the 7th year (of the reign) of king Rajakesarivarman alias the lord, the glorious Virarajendradeva [I], who was pleased to be seated on the throne of victory together with (his queen) Ulagamuluduḍaiyal (i.e. the mistress of the whole world '). The king took the head of the king of the South (i.e. the Pândys), levied tribute from the Sêralan (.e. the Chêra king), and subdued the Singala (i.e. Simhala) country. He five times put to flight (the W. Chalukya) Ahavamalla (Sômêsvara I.), regained Vengai-nâḍu, and bestowed [Vêngai]mandalam on the [E.] Chalukya Vijayaditya [VII.]. He also conquered Kadaram and granted it to the king who worshipped his feet. He deprived Sômêévara [II.] of the Kannara country, invested Vikramaditya [VI.] with the necklace (of heir-apparent), and conquered and granted to him the seven and a half lakshas of Raṭṭa-pâḍi.
1085.- Ep. Ind. Vol. VII. p. 170, No. 63. Date of an Uḍaiyarköyil (Karavandisvara temple) Tamil inscription of the 16th year (of the reign) of king Rajakesarivarman alias the Tribhuvanachakravartin, the glorious Kulôttunga-Chôladeva [.]:
"In the 16th year ... on the day of Uttarashâḍhâ, which corresponded to a Thursday and to the ninth (?) tithi of the second fortnight of the month of Mina.'
[S. 1007]: Thursday, 12th March A.D. 1086.
1086.- Ep. Ind. Vol. VII. p. 147. Tirukkovalar (Trivikrama-Perumal temple) Tamil inscription of Kariya-Perumal-Periyanayan alias Narasimha, lord of Maladu, grandson of Rama Narasimhavarman (above, No. 1080), recording donations that were to be made from the third year (of the reign) of Rajarajadêva (i.e. the Chôla king Rajarâja II.).*
1087.-South-Ind. Insor. Vol. III. No. 86, p. 210. Chidambaram (Nataraja temple) Tamil inscription of the 88th day of the 9th year (of the reign) of king Parakésarivarman, who was pleased to be seated together with (his queen) Bhuvanamuluduḍaiyâl (s.e. the mistress of the whole world') on the throne of heroes (which consisted of) pure gold, alias the Tribhuvanachakravartin, the glorious Kulôttunga-Chôladeva [III.], who was pleased to take Madurai.The king assisted Vikrama-Pandya against the son of Vira-Pandya, subdued a place named Elagam, defeated the Mara (s.e. Marava ?) army, drove the Simhala army into the sea, took Madurai from Vira-Pandya and bestowed it on [Vikrama-]Pânḍya.
1088. South-Ind. Inser. Vol. III. No. 87, p. 214. Chidambaram (Nataraja temple) Tamil inscription of the 118th day of the 11th year (of the reign) of king Parakesarivarman, who was pleased to be seated together with (his queen) Bhuvanamulududaiyal (i.e. the mistress of the whole world') on the throne of heroes (which consisted of) pure gold, alias the Tribhuvanachakravartin, the glorious Kulôttunga-Choladeva [II], who, having taken Madurai, was pleased to take the crowned head of the Pandya.- The king had the nose of the son of ViraPandya cut off, gave the great city of Kadal (s.e. Madhura) to Vikrama-Pandya, and took the crowned head of Vira-Pandya.
According to Dr. Hultssch, the W. Chalukya "Sômésvara II had to give up the necklace which was the sign of his dignity of beir-apparent in favour of his younger brother Vikramaditya VI. who had made his peace with Virarajendra I." Compare below, No. 1084.
See above, p. 115, note 2.
See above, Nos. 812 and 818.
See above, No. 756 ft. See above, No. 814 ff.