341.-S. 1137.-PSOCI. No. 201; Mysore Inscr. No. 37, p. 72. Bulagánve Kanarese inscription of the Devagiri-Yadava Maharajadhiraja Simhaņa (Singhaņa), lord of Dvårâvati:'
(L. 23).- .'. .1137neya Yuva-samvatsarada Bhadrapadad=amåvåsye Bri(bři)haspatiVårad-amdu.
Thursday, 24th September A.D. 1215; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIII. p. 125, No. 73.
342.-6. 1140.- From an impression supplied by Dr. Fleet; Graham's Kolhapoor, p. 425, No. 11; Ind. Inscr. No. 48. Kolhapur inscription of the Dêvagiri-Yadava Chakravartin Simhana (Singhana), the son of Jaitrapala who was the son of Bhillama :
(L. 16).- Saka-varsha 1140 Babudhânya-samvatsare.
343.-S. 1144.- Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 112. Baha! (in Khándés) inscription, recording the foundation of a temple by Anantadeva, the chief astrologer of the Devagiri-Yadava Simba (Singhaņa); (a prasasti composed by Anantadóva's younger brother Mahêsvara) :
(L. 18).-Shatk-onê sadala-sat-adhi[ke] sahasrê 1144 varshånám Saka-prithivîpatêh prayatê | Chaitr-adya-pratipadi Chitrabhånu-varshê.
The ornament of Yadu's family Bhillama; his son Jaitrapala (1.] (made Gapapatil lord of the Andhra country); his son Simha (defeated king Arjuna).- Of Anantadêva the following genealogy is given: In the family of the sage Saņdilya, Manôratha ; his son Maheśvara (composed astronomical worke); his son Sripati ; his son Gapapati; his son Anantadêva (author of astronomical works). Compare above, No. 337.
344.-S. 1145.- Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Vol. XII. p. 11; Archæol. Suro. of West. India, Vol. II. p. 233, and Plate lxxiv.; and Vol. III. p. 116; PSOCI. No. 91. Munolli (Manoli) Kanarese inscription of the reign of the Devagiri-Yadava Maharajadhiraja Pratápa-chakravartin Singhaņa, ruling at his capital of Dévagiri; recording grants made by his Dandanayaka Purushottama and others :
(L. 24). Sasa)ka-varsha 1145neya Chittrabhånu-samvatsarada Kärttikaen (6u)dhdha (dhha)-puşnami Sômavára sômagrahaņa-bya (vya)tipätadalli.
22nd October A.D. 1222, with a lunar eclipse, visible in India; but the day was a Saturday, not a Monday ; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIV. p. 8, No. 157.
345.-8. 1145.-Ind. Ant. Vol. XIX. p. 157. Notice of a Kolår (Kölhår) Kanarese inscription of the time of the Dêvagiri.Yadava Singhaņa, reigning at his capital of Dêvêndragiri :
(L. 9).- Saka-varusada: 1145de (da) ney& Svabhânu-saunvachchharada dvitiyaBhadrapada-su (budhdha (ddha) 5 Su(su)kravárad=andu.
Friday, 1st September A.D. 1223; see ibid. Vol. XXIII. p. 117, No. 28.
346.-S. 1148* -PSOCI. No. 110. Chandadâmpur Kanarese inscription. Date of the time of the Dévagiri-Yadava Singhaņa P) -
(L. 26).- Saka-varsha 1148neya Pártthiva-samvatsarada Bhadrapa[da]-fuddha 15 Somavåra chamdroparåga-pumnyatithiya madhyâhnasamaya.
19th August A.D. 1225, with a lunar eclipse, visible in India; but the day was a Tuesday, not a Monday; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIV. p. 8, No. 158.
(For two later dates in the same inscription see below, Nos. 361 and 363).
I.e. the Kakatiya Ganapati; compare below, No. 585 f. . I.e., probably, the Paramaru Arjunavarman; see North. Inger. No. 195. * Read -vershada. • Road -saivatsarada.
• Read punya'.