435.-Inscr. at Sravana-Belgola, No. 81, r. 63. Kanarese inscription of the reign of the Hoysala Maharajadhiraja Pratapa-chakravartin Viro-Narasimha (Narasimha II.), lord of Dvåråvati,' recording donations by Gommatasetti
Khara-samvatsarada Pushya-buddha uttardyapa-sankranti pôdi-diva Bri(bri)havárad=andu. (Khara = $. 1158] : 26th December A.D. 1231 ; but the day was a Friday, not a Thursday.
436-5. 1175,- Mysore Inscr. No. 171, p. 321. Bangalore Museum Sanskpit and Kanarese plates of the Hoysala Sôméévara (Vira-Sômêsvara), residing at Vikramapara in the Chola mandala; recording grants made for the spiritual benefit of his Paffamahishi (or chief queen) Sômaladevi :
Paridhå vi(vi)-samvatsarasya Phalguna masasy=&nåvåsydy&m stry-oparågå . . . . SaksVarsha 1175neya Paridhậvi-samvatsarada Phálgana-masad-amáv&aye surya-gisbanedalu..
lot March A.D. 1253, with a solar eclipse, visible in India; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXII. p. 130, No. 105.
437.-Insor, at Sravana-Belgola No. 128, p. 96. Kanarose inscription of the time of the Hoysala Sômêsvara, the son (p) of Vira-Ballâla (BallAla II.), concerning the settlement of certain dues.
438.-Mysore Inscr. No. 166, p. 307. Nirgund Kanarese inscription of the time (R) of the Hoysala Vira-Sômêsvara (8ômégvara).
(For a date in this inscription of $. 987(?) see above, No. 384).
439.-[$. 176.)—A grant of the Hoysala Narasimha III., recorded at the end of the Beldr plates, above, No. 388.
440.-8. 1177.-Coorg Insor. No. 6, p. 9. Niduta Kanarese memorial tablet of the time of the Hoysala Pratápa-chakravartin Vira-Narasimha (Narasimha III.):
Saka-varusha 1177n8 Rakshasa-Bain Vaisakha-Sudha(ddha) 11.
441.- Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 9. Date of a Srirangam (Ranganatha temple) Tamil inscription of the second year (of the reign) of the Poysals (Hoysale) Vira-Ramanatha, a son of Someávara and the Chalukya princess Dêyaladevi :
The day of Bharapi, which corresponded to Wednesday, the seventh tithi of the first half of the month of Kumbha.'
18.1178]: Wednesday, 24th January A.D. 1257.
412.- Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 10. Date of a Srirangam (Jambukêśvara temple) Tamil inscription of the [7th] year (of the reign) of the Poysa!a (Hoysa!s) Vira-Ramanatha:
The day of Parva-Phulguni (P), which corresponded to Wednesday, the sixth tithi of the second half of the month of Dhanus.'
(8. 1189): Wednesday, 14th December A.D. 1261 ; but the nakshatra on this day was Uttawa-Phulgaat.
443.-8. 184-PSOCI. No. 19; Mysore Inscr. No. 147, p. 270. Bêlûr Sanskrit and Kantreme plates of the Hoysala Niddasika-pratapa-chakravartin Narasimha III., 'lord of Dvåravald,' residing Domsamudrs, and of his Dandanayaka Perucale:
(L. 18 of the fourth side).-Saka-varshasya chaturadhika-s&sitisatottara-sabaratamasya Dammmati-nvataarnsya Chaitra-buddha-dva[da]øyam Bhaumavårê.
Tuesday, 18th March A.D. 1261.
In the lineage of Yadu (the legendary) Sala, the founder of the Hoysala family; in that family, Vinayaditya; his son Ereyanga; his son Vishou; his son Narasimha (1.); his son Bullala (11.); his son Nrisimba (II.); his son Soma, married Bijalá; their son Nrisimha (11].].
See Dr. Fleet's Dynastie, p. 507, note 8. "1... Kappapor, Ave miles north of Srirangam.- Compare also below, Nos. 864 335 and 904. See Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 8, note 5.
• See below, No. 451.