780.- Ep. Ind. Vol. V. p. 104, and Plate. Tiravengadu (Svêtåranyégvara temple) inscription of the 39th year of the reign of the glorious Kulottunga-Chola [I.] :
(L. 1).- . . avati vasumatîm śr[i]-Kulottumga-Chôļ8 ... tan-nava. ttrimsa-varshe.
781.- South-Ind. Insor. Vol. III. No. 74, p. 163. Conjeeveram (Pandava-Perumal temple) Tamil inscription of the 39th year of the reign) of king R&jakesarivarman alias the lord, the glorious Kulottunga-Choladeva [1.]. - The historical introduction is the same as in No. 761.
782.- South-Ind. Insor. Vol. III. No. 75, p. 165, and Plate. Tirukkalukkunram (Védagirisvara temple) Tamil insoription of the 42nd year of the reign) of . . . the Chakravartin, the glorious Kulottungs-Choladeva [1.]. - The historical introduction is the same as in No. 777.
783.- ś. 1035.- Ep. Carn. Vol. III. p. 190, No. 44. Echiganabaļļi (Sômêsvara temple) Kanarese inscription of the reign of the glorious Kulôttunga-Choladhva [I.] -
(L. 1).-Sa(sa)k[a-va]risham 1035neya Jaya-samvatsarada På(pha)lguņa-mâsada aparapaksham på[di]va Adityaváram Hasta-nakshatram.
Sunday, 22nd February A.D. 1114; but the Jovian year was Vijaya, not Jaya ; see Ep. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 72, No. 9.
784.- Ep. Ind. Vol. V. p. 105. Chidambaram (Nataraja temple) Tamil inscription of the 44th year of the reign) of Jayadhara (i.e. the Chôļa king Kulôttunga-Chola I., originally named Rájöndra-Chola (II.)), recording donations by Kundavai Álvar, the daughter of the E. Chålukya) Rajaraja[1.] and younger sister of the Tribhuvanachakravartin Kulottunga-Chôļa
In the year forty-four (of the reign) of Jayadhara . . . at the time of the rising o the sign) Rishabha, on the day of Rohini, which corresponded to a Friday in the month during which the sign) Mina was shining.'
[8. 1035] : Friday, 13th March A.D. 1114; see ibid. Vol. IV. p. 70, No. 7.
The second portion of the inscription states that a stone which the king of Kamboja had given to Rajendra-Chôļa (i.e. Kulottunga-Chôļa L.) by order of the latter was inserted into the wall of a hall in front of the shrine. ac 785.- Ep. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 70, No. 8. Date of an Ålanguļi (Åpatsahâyêsvara temple) Tamil inscription of the 45th year (of the reign) of king Rajakesariverman alias the Tribhuvanachakravartin, the glorious Kulôttunga-Cho?adeva [1.] :
'In the 45th year . . .on the day of Uttar[&shadha], which corresponded to a Thursday and to the seventh tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Tula.'
[8. 1036]: Thursday, 8th October A.D. 1114.
786.- 8. 1038. Ep. Ind. Vol. VI. p. 220, and p. 279, No. 40. Date of a Draksharama (Bhimêsvara temple) Telugu inscription of the 45th year of the reign of the asylum of the whole world, the glorious Vishnuvardhana-mahårája (i.e. the Chola king Kulóttunga-Chola I.) :
(L 1).- Saka-va[r]shambulu 1036 . . . [pra]varddhamana-vijayarajya-divyasamvataa 45 Dhanu-m&samuna (ukla-pa[kshamu]na kada[6]iyu Budhaváramu nându atlargyana-vyatiyipata-nimittamuna.
Perhaps Wednesday, 9th December A.D. 1114;: but this was not the day of the Uttarayana-sarokránti (which took place on the 24th December).
Compare Ind. Ant. Vol. XXI. p. 286.
Read Dyatlpdta.. . On this day the title of the date commenced 7 b. 62 m. after mean sunrise.