Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 07
Author(s): E Hultzsch
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 460
________________ APPENDIX.] INSCRIPTIONS OF SOUTHERN INDIA. 966.-Ep. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 202. Trivandrum' (Padmanabhasvâmin temple) Sanskrit and Tamil inscription of the time of Gôda-Martanda, the lord of Gôlamba (Kôlamba) :(L. 3).-Dhanushi . . . . uttumga-Jive. P.-Miscellaneous dated Inscriptions. 967.-S. 856.- Ind. Ant. Vol. X. p. 104, and Plate; PSOOI. No. 52. Bâdâmi (Mahâkûṭa) unfinished Kanarese pillar inscription of the Mahdsamanta Bappuvarasa : (L. 6).-Sa (sa) kanripakâl-âtita-sa[m]vatsara-sata mgal-entu-nu(na)ra-ayivatta-â¡aney a Jaya-sa[m]vatsarada Kartta(rtti) ka-su(su)ddha-panchamiyum Budhavarad -andu[m]. Wednesday, 15th October A.D. 924; see ibid. Vol. XXIV. p. 2, No. 127. Bappuvarasa is described as 'a very Bhairava... to the assemblage of the enemies of the brave Gôpâla (Vira-Gôpâļa ?).' vårad=andu. 155 968.-S. 1041.- Inscr. at Sravana-Belgola, No. 139, p. 109. Sanskrit and Kanarese inscription recording the date of the death of a female disciple of Divakaranandi. siddhantadeva : Saka-varsham 1041 neya Vilambi-samvatsarada Phalguna na)-suddha-pañchami Budha The date is irregular. Divâkaranandi-siddhântadêva's disciple was Maladhâridêva, whose disciple was Subha chandra-siddhântadêva." 969.-S. 1050.- Inscr. at Sravana-Belgola, No. 54, p. 41; Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 189, and Plate. Pillar inscription recording the date of the death of Mallishens Maladhârideva, the disciple of Ajitasêna, 'preceded by a sort of historical sketch of the Bravana-Belgola branch of the Digambara branch of the Jainas;' (composed by Maladhâridêva's lay-disciple Mallinâtha) :(L. 218). Sâkê sânya-sar-âmbar-avani-mitê samvatsarê Kilakê mâsê [Ph]âlgunakê tri(tri)tiya-divasê vârê-sitê Bhaskarê Svâtau... madhyâhnê. Sunday, 10th March A.D. 1129; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIII. p. 124, No. 68. Of royal personages the inscription mentions: Chandragupta (in connection with Bhadrabâhu); Sâhasatunga and Himasitala (in connection with Akalanka); Satrubhayamkara (in connection with Vimalachandra); Krishnaraja (in connection with Paravadimalla); the Poysala (Hoysala) Vinayaditya (in connection with Sântidêva); and Ahavamalla (e. perhaps the W. Chalukya Sömésvara I., in connection with Sabdachaturmukha, i.e. perhaps Sântinâtha). 970.-8. 1059 (for 1051 P).- Insor. at Sravana-Belgola, No. 68, p. 60. Kanarese pillar inscription recording the date of the death of Tribhuvanamalla Chaladankarava Hoysalaseṭţi, and the erection by his wife of a monument in his memory: Sa (sa)ka-varsa (rsha) 1059neya Saumya-samvatsarada Magha-masada sukla-pakshada sankramapad-andu. Saumya would be Ś. 1051 expired. 971.-8. 1121.-PSOCI. No. 114. Hampe Kanarese inscription of Maiduna-Chauḍayya:'Saka 1121 (in figures, 1. 11), the Siddharthi samvatsara; at the time of the sun's commencing his progress to the north.' 1 In the inscription called Syânandura; compare above, No. 941. Of about the 14th century A.D.- Mr P. S. Pillai has taken the inscription to be dated in the Kollam year 365; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIV. p. 280, and Vol. XXVI. p. 109. I.e. (in the month of Dhanus) when Jupiter was in the sign Karkataka.- Compare Raghuvamia III. 13, S. P. Pandit's note. On this day the tithi of the date commenced 2 h. 42 m. after mean sunrise. He appears to have the birada Ratnivalóka Compare above, No. 398. x 2


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