608.- Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. p. 25, and Plates; PSOCI. No. 6. Halsi (now Dr. Fleet's) plates of the Kadamba king Ravi (Ravivarman), recording grants and ordinances made at Palasika. The inscription mentions the king's predecessors Kakusthavarman, Sântivarman, and Mrigêśa.
609 Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. p. 29, and Plate; PSOCI. No. 8. Halsi (now Dr. Fleet's) plates of the Kadamba king Ravi (Ravivarman) (who conquered Vishnuvarman1 and other kings), residing at Palâsikâ.
610. Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. p. 28, and Plate; PSOCI. No. 7. Halsi (now Dr. Fleet's) plates of the 11th year of the reign of the Kadamba Dharmamahárája Ravivarman, the son of Mrigêśa who was the eldest son of Sântivarman, the son of Kâkustha; recording donations made by Ravivarman's younger brother Bhanuvarman, at Palâsikâ :
(L. 11).- pravarddhamânarajya-sri- Ravivarmma-dharmmamahârâjasya êkâdasê samvatsarê hêmanta-shashṭha-pakshê dasamyâm tithau.
611.- Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. p. 30, and Plate; PSOCI. No. 9. Halsi (now Dr. Fleet's) plates of 4th year of the reign of the Kadamba Maharaja Harivarman, recording donations made by him at the advice of his paternal uncle Sivaratha; issued at Uchchasringi :
(L. 6). svarajya- samvatsarê chaturtthê Phâlgupa(na)-áukla-trayôdaśyâm.
612.-Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. p. 31, and Plate; PSOCI. No. 10. Halsi (now Dr. Fleet's) plates of the 5th year of the reign of the Kadamba Maharaja Harivarman, the son of the Maharaja Ravivarman, recording donations made at the request of king Bhanusakti of the family of the Sêndrakas; issued at Palâsikâ :
(L. 8).svarajya-samvatsarê pañchamê.
613. Ind. Ant. Vol. VII. p. 33, and Plate; PSOOI. No. 1. Dêvagêri plates of the Yuvaraja Dévavarman, son of the Kadamba Dharmamahârája Krishnavarman [I.P]; issued at Triparvata.
614.- Ep. Ind. Vol. VI. p. 18, and Plate. Bannahalli (now Halêbid) plates of the 7th year of the reign of the Kadamba Maharaja Krishnavarman II., the son of the Maharaja Simhavarman, who was a son of the Dharmamaharaja Vishnuvarman, who was begotten by the Dharmamaharaja Krishnavarman I. on a daughter of Kaikêya:
(L. 13).-varddhamâna-vijayarajya-samvatsarê saptamê Kârttika-måså åpûryyamâṇa-paksha pañchamyâm Jyêshthâ-nakshatrê.
615.- Ind. Ant. Vol. XXI. p. 93. Konnûr rock inscription of the Kadamba king
L.-The Pallavas, Ganga-Pallavas, Banas and Ganga-Baṇas.3
616. Ind. Ant. Vol. IX. p. 101, and Plate. Guntûr district (formerly Sir W. Elliot's, now British Museum) Prâkrit plates of the queen of the Pallava Yuvamahárája VijayaBuddhavarman, of the reign of the Maharaja Vijaya-Skandavarman :
(L. 1). Siri-Vijayakhandavamma-mahârâjassa samvvachhara
1 Perhaps the Vishnuvarman of No. 614. See also Dr. Fleet's Dynasties, p. 322.
2 For (Birar spurious?) plates of the Dharmamahárája Vishnuvarman, the eldest son of the Dharmamahdrája Krishnavarman, recording a grant made with the permission of Vishnuvarman's father's eldest brother (jyeshthapitri), the Dharmamahdrdja Sântivaravarman, see Ep. Carn. Vol. VI.jp. 91, No. 162, and Plates.
Nos. 616-643; 644-658; 659-668; and 669-671.
The three plates are numbered (wrongly) with numerical symbols.- Compare also Ep. Ind. Vol. I. p. 2,