617.- Ep. Ind. Vol. VI. p. 86, and Plates. Mayidavolu (now Madras Museum) Prakrit plates of the Pallava Yuvamaharaja Sivaskandavarman, of the 10th year (of the reign of his predecessor); issued from Kâñchipura :
(L. 25).-sa[m]vachhara [m] dasamaṁm 10 gimha pakho chhatho 6 divasam panchami 5.3 618.-Ep. Ind. Vol. I. p. 5, and Plates. Htrahaḍagalli Prakrit plates of the 8th year (of the reign) of the Pallava Dharmamahárájádhirája Sivaskandavarman, issued from Kanchipura:
(L. 49).-samva 8 vasa 6 diva 5.3
619.- Ind. Ant. Vol. V. p. 51, and Plates; PSOOI. No. 267. Uravupallis plates of the Pallava Dharmayuvamaharaja Vishnugopavarman, the son of the Maharaja Skandavarman II., grandson of the Mahdrája Viravarman, and great-grandson of the Mahárája Skandavarman I.; of the 11th year (of the reign) of the Maharaja Simhavarman I.; issued from Palakkaḍa :
(L. 33). Simhavarmma-mâ (ma) hârâjasya vijaya-samvatsarê êkådadê Paushya (sha)-mâsâ krishna-pakabe dasamym.
620.- Ind. Ant. Vol. V. p. 155, and Plates. Mangalûr plates of the 8th year of the reign of the Pallava Dharmamaharaja Simhavarman II., the son of the Yuvaraja Vishnugopa (Vishnugopavarman), grandson of the Mahárája Skandavarman II., and great-grandson of the Mahárája Viravarman; issued from Daśanapura :
(L. 26).- samêdhamâna-vijayarajy-Ashtama-samvatsara-Chaitramasa-suklapaksha-pañchamyâm.
621.-Ep. Ind. Vol. III. 145; Ind. Ant. Vol. VIII. p. 168, Plates. Udayêndiram (spurious?) plates of the first year of the reign of the Pallava Dharmamahárája Nandivarman, the son of the Maharaja Skandavarman, grandson of the Mahdrája Simhavarman, and greatgrandson of the Rájá Skandavarman; issued from Kanchipura :
(L. 19), pravardhamana-ve(vi)je(ja)yardjya-prata(tha) [ma*]-sa[miva taar Va(vai)ka(kha)-me éukukah[6]" palichamy&[th].
The plates contain a Tamil endorsement of the 26th year (of the reign) of king Parakêsarivarman who took Madirai, .e. the Chôla king Parântaka I.'
622.-Ep. Ind. Vol. I. p. 398, and Plate. Darsi (now Madras Museum) first plate only. of a great-grandson of the [Pallava] Maharaja Virakôrchavarman, issued from Dasanapura.
623.- South-Ind. Inser. Vol. II. No. 72, p. 341, and Plate. Vallam cave Tamil inscription, recording the foundation of a temple by Skandasens, the son of Vasantapriyaraja, a vassal of Pagappiḍugulo Lalitankura Satrumalla Gunabhara Mahendrapôtaraja (i.e., probably, the Pallava Mahendravarman I.).
-624.- Ep. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 158, and Plate. Mahendravâḍi inscription of Gunabhara (Mahendra), (.e., probably, the Pallava Mahendravarman I.).
1 For the seal see Ep. Ind. Vol. VI. Plate facing p. 294.
Plates ii. to viii. are numbered with numerical symbols. The alphabet closely resembles that of No. 1014. These numbers are denoted by numerical symbols.
The (eight) plates are numbered with numerical symbols. See also Ep. Ind. Vol. II. p. 488.
This is the name of the village granted; the inscription was edited from Sir W. Elliot's impressions. The plates are numbered with numerical symbols.
The inscription records a grant to a temple founded by a Séndpati Vishnuvarman. See the same name above, in Nos. 609 and 614.
7 See Ind. Ant. Vol. XXX. p. 215, No. 9. See below, No. 634 and No. 681.
Read fukla-pakshi.
10 I.e. the thunderbolt which cannot be split.'"
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