Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 07
Author(s): E Hultzsch
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 349
________________ 44 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [VOL. VII. 246.-PSOCI. No. 104 and No. 105. Two Hângal Kanarese memorial tablets of the time of the W. Chalukya Nurmaḍi-Tailapa (Taila III.). 247.-Châ. Vi. 94.-Ind. Ant. Vol. IX. p. 97; PSOCI. No. 88. Aihole Kanarese inscription of the Sinda Mahamandaléévara Chamunda (Châvunda) II. and his sons (by Siriyâdêvî) Bijjala and Vikrama :1 (L. 23).-rimach-Chalukya-[Vikrama-varshada] 94neya Virôdhi-samvatsarada [Virôdhin S. 1001.] = 248.-S. 1091.-PSOCI. No. 141; Mysore Inscr. No. 13, p. 23. Dâvangere Kanarese inscription of the Mahamandaléévara Vijaya-Pandyadeva, 'lord of Kâñchipura,' residing at Uchchangi and ruling the Nolambavadi Thirty-two-thousand: (L. 16).-śrimat-Saka-varshada 1091neya Virodhi-samvatsarada dvitiya-Śrávaṇa-suddhapuppami Sômavârad-amdu." In the given year Sravana was intercalary, but otherwise the date is irregular; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIV. p. 15, No. 188. 249.-Ky. 4270 and 4272.-Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Vol. IX. p. 278; Ind. Inscr. No. 32. Halsi inscription of the 23rd year of the reign of the Kadamba (of Goa) Sivachitta Paramardin, and of the 25th year (of his reign, and) of his younger brother Vishnuchitta; (the first part of the inscription was composed by Madhusudanasûri, the second by Yajñêsvarasûri®):(L. 18). Samnivrittê Kalêḥ kale kha-sapta-dvi-payônidhau trayo-vimsê Virôdhini | samvatsarê Suchau mâsê darsê dakshinayana-aachkräntan. vårê pravardhamânê tad-râjyê Vri(bri)haspat | = Ky. 4270]: Thursday, 26th June A.D. 1169; see Ind. Ant. [Virôdhin §. 1091 Vol. XVII. p. 264, No. 15. (L. 34)-8anivritté Kalb kála(18)-éva(vi)-sapta-dri-paydaidhau | pravardhamânê tad-rajyê pamcha-vimsê samê Kharê Mâghê cha suddha-dvâdasyâm Vri(bri)haspat sampript Vaidhritan yögé. mâsê vârê [For Khara S. 1093 Ky. 4272] this date is irregular; see ibid. p. 265, No. 16. The mythical Jayanta (Trilochana); in his race, Jayakêsin [I], conquered the Âlupas and established the Chalukyas in their kingdom, and took his abode at Gôpakapaṭṭana (Goa); his son Vijayâditya [I]; his son Jayakêsin [II.] married Mailalamahâdêvi, the daughter of the [W.] Chalukya Vikramárka (Vikramaditya VI.); their son Paramardin Sivachitta; his younger brother Vishnuchitta. 250.-S. 1098 and 1095-PSOCI. No. 118; Mysore Inser. No. 28, p. 51. Harihar Kanarese inscription of the Mahamandaléévara Vijaya-Pandyadeva,' 'lord of Kanchipura,' and of his Dandanátha Vijaya-Permâḍi : Vikrita-samvatsarada Pushya-bahula-pâḍiva (L. 49).- Saka-varsha 1093re (ra)neya Sukravarad-attarayana-samkramapad-amdu. Bhadrapada-suddha-tadige (L. 63). Saka-varsha 1095neya Namdana-samvatsarada Brihapativiradasadu. Friday, 25th December A D. 1170; and Thursday, 24th August A.D. 1172. The full details of the date are illegible. Compare above, No. 248. Read frimach-Chhaka See Ind. Ant. Vol. XIX. p. 156, No. 37. Professedly copied from a copper-plate (or copper-plates). The descriptions of the boundaries contain Kanarese words and inflections. Compare below, No. 269. 7 Described as 'defeater of the designs of Rajign-Chola;' see above, No. 225. The inscription also mentions a Kadamba Mahdmanḍaldivara Ketarasa, lord of Uchchsngigiri;' see Dr. Fleet's Dynasties, p. 564. On this day the tithi of the date commenced 2 h. 36 m. after mean sunrise.


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