251.-PSOCI. No. 117; Mysore Insor. No. 35, p. 71. Harihar Kanarese inscription of the Mahamandalesvaras Vira-Pandyadeva and Vijaya-Pandyadeva.
252.-PSOCI. No. 135; Mysore Insor. No. 36, p. 71. Harihar Kanarese inscription of Vijaya-Pandyadêva(?).
253.-S. 1095 and 1103.- As. Res. Vol. IX. p. 431; Colebrooke's Misc. Essays, Vol. II. p. 271. Translation of a 'Curugode'' (Kurgod, now Calcutta Museum) Sanskțit and Kanarese inscription of the reignt of the W. Chalukya Tribhuvanamalla Vira-Sômêśvara (Sômēsvara IV.), reigning at Kalyana; recording grants by the Mahamandalesvara Irmaţi-Rachamalla (surnamed Sindagòvinda) of Kurugôdadurga :
The year of Salivahan 1095 in the Vijaya year of the cycle, and on the 30th of the month Margasira, on Monday, in the time of an eclipse of the sun.'
The year of salivahan 1103, of the cycle Plava, and on the 15th of Kärttika, on Monday, in the gracious time of the moon's eclipse.'
Both dates are irregular.
In the lineage of the long-armed Sinda was Râchamalla; to him and his wife Sovaladovi was born Irungula; and to him and his wife Echaladêvî were born Irmadi-Rachamalla and Sôma.
254.-Ky. 4275.—Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Vol. IX. pp. 266 and 287. Two Dégâmve inscriptions of the 28th year of the reign of the Kadamba Sivachitta Permadi, residing at Göpakapuri (Goa) ; recording & grant made at the request of his queen Kamaladevi; (composed by Govindadêva):
(P. 269, 1. 33, and p. 291, 1. 42).- panchasaptatyadhika-dvigatottara-chatuhsahasréshu Kaliyuga-samvatsaréshu paravritteshu pravartamáne cha Sri. Kádamba-Sivachitta-ViraPermadidêvasya pravardhamâna-vijayarajya-samvatsarê ashtávim sê Jay-ahvayê Márgasirshê amavasyam Bhaunavårê sûryagrahaņa-parvaņi.
[Jaya = $. 1026 = Ky. 4276]: Tuesday, 26th November A.D. 1174; a solar eclipse, visible in Indis; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XVII. p. 266, No. 17.
The mythical Trilôchana-Kadamba; in his lineage, the Kadamba kings; in their family, Gühalla Vyaghramårin; his son Shashthadêva [I.] ; his son Jayakésin [I.], a god of death to the king of Kåpardika-dvipa, uprooted Kamadeva etc.; his son Vijayaditya [I.] ; his son Jayake in (II.), married Mailalamahadevi, the daughter of the [W.] Chalukya Vikrama (Vikramaditya VI.): their son Sivachitta Permadi, married Kamaladevi, the daughter of Kámadêva of the lunar race and of his wife, the Påndya princess Chattaladevi.
255.-Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Vol. IX. p. 294. Dégâmve Kanarese inscription, recording the construction of two temples at the command of Kamaladevi, the queen of the Kadamba (of Goa) Sivachitta Permadi (and daughter of king Kåma, here described as belonging to the solar race, and Chattaladêvî, here described as belonging to the lunar race?).
1 The inscription is almost entirely illegible. The date given in Mys. Invor, is quite incorrect. • The greater part of the inscription is illegible.
I owe an account of this inscription to Dr. Fleet; for some fantastic characters in it see Ind. Ant. Vol. XV. p. 864.
• But compare Dr. Fleet's Dynasties, p. 468, note 4
Sliddhana really does not occur in these dates; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXX. p. 208, note 29.
• The two inscriptions are identical, one being in Nigart and the other in Kanarese characters; compare above, No. 48. Both (called spala-idiana) are perhaps copies of a copper-plate inscription.
* Compare above, No. 254.